Recently the United States President Barack Obama visited Japan and met the famous "Asimo" robot. The robot Asimo by Honda is Japan's recent representative of their technological achievements whose decades above their competition. Japan is of course known as a leader, if not the top leader, in all things tech, however England-Britain has been seen to parade away the thunder of robotics technology by puting on fake robot tech shows. In 2010, instead of being able to make an actual robot to showcase it to the world, several gadget costumes were created, one being "Titan the Robot" from Cornwall England. The other robot costume that became famous was "King Robota". The costumes have a man stuffed inside the suit so it appears to move, usually dancing to music, with robotic noises for the joint movement. The top head is worked the same way "the singing fisherman's fish" worked. The singing fish called "Big Mouth Billy Bass" was popular in the early 2000s. The new robotic like costumes caused some controversy since people thought they were cheated out of meeting an actual robot.