
Friday, July 12, 2013

The Economic Schemes might be the best and worst title for it all

There's not one way to call it shady, and there's other perspectives that say America needs the money, the people need jobs, and the cities need the business. According to Ecowatch news, the EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] is basically giving the go ahead for Fracking, which comes with barrels of toxic unknowns. A Samoan American man in Euless said "I know there's a city not too far from here booming with new jobs, and it's all cause of Fracking. That's great news to someone who needs a job, or is looking to setup a new small business, but as for the environmental risks of it all, I suggest a cautious stance when discussing permanent residence, or when drinking local water." Ecowatch News on the EPA and Fracking issue, goes well into an all out warning to American citizens. Another concerned comment added "I wish they'd just tell people if this nation was turning into a "Land of Money Schemes", at least then people wouldn't be so heart broken when they realize they've given all, and received cancerous toxic issues in return." References: (two outside links [1][2])