As more history is read in several regions around the world, more mapping questions have arisen. The true names of the Caspian Sea, The Black Sea, The Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Solomon Sea, Bismark Sea, Timor Sea, Coral Sea, Tasman Sea, Norwegian Sea, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Kara Sea, Bering Sea, are all charted names which can be considered either inaccurate, or stamped in english for possible navigational purposes. The names however are of course not worldly official with other languages, but the question is still then why not use native names. There also seems to be new racial and ethnic names in Wikipedia mapping in the Philippines, calling an area a Catholic racial term of Negros and Negros Oriental. The Philippines itself is not an Asian Pacific name, and mapped by King Philip II of Spain when competing with Arab trade in Asia in the 16th Century, who was formerly Moorish-Spain [Muslim-Spain].