1. Attract as many Samoans from around the world to Aotearoa New Zealand as possible, because we've all seen what happens when that skilled potential is tapped or hacked into. Also it's relaxing to never have to worry about someone messing with Aotearoa New Zealand with the Samoan mongoloids sitting just down the street. 2. Don't follow the failed versions of "How to make a City guidebook", obviously there are some real bad cases in which civilizations have failed. Better intelligence is the key, cause well a nation of consumer idiots, even "very skilled" consumer idiots who have no culture, no loyalty, no heritage, and no unity, are just money making muppets, who eventually get bought out by greedier overseas ancient aristocracies, who by the way have been making money since before western nations knew what paper was. 3. Watch your taxes, in fact "land tax", means you can never own land in a way. Taxes are where devils think they're smart, but really in the end, they end up homeless, and taxed or schemed out by other nations who know they've fled their own home and scurried to another. 4. Support the Arts, no creativity, guess what, means no.. "Made in New Zealand" product other than sheep wool, just don't be a target to sell off your own natural resources.