A Rugby Analyst from the Northern Rugby hemisphere pointed out that South African teams have had a more than questionable clean record of clean game calls, and Samoa already knew that. "Really it's a wonder why other media haven't targeted more South African games for there lack of Rugby Statesmanship. Then again with South Africa's history, Rugby might be the only thing they have right now." The Rugby Analyst went on to say that this game from Samoa scares him. Samoa's intelligence just grinned with a mouth full of shark teeth. According to the Rugby Analyst, Samoa hit the Golden Lions with too many brutal embarrassing hits, and then just left the game open for the taking. He then said "It seemed to be a purposely lost game to fuel media broadcasting, making it worse is it's a record win game, but when the game is actually watched, it's now Golden Lion's biggest Rugby embarrassment instead of an achievement." One of the Sport Commentators for the Samoans vs Golden Lions games is quoted "They're parting like the Red Sea". To note, the full Rugby match is still hard to find online.